Pick of the Week
Favorite Pictures
Now this will be much easier to update than the former methods, so hopefully I’ll actually get it done once a week!  Wish me luck!
Just look at my sweet babies eating their breakfast together.  So much love, how can we not take tons of pictures?  

Thursday, August 3, 2006
Sweet Henry

Mom, Gramma, Emily and Henry came to visit for a few days this week.  We had a great time, and I took TONS of pictures.  I’m going to try my hand at kids photography (mostly candid, rather than posed shots).  So if you know of any beautiful (or ugly) children you wouldn’t mind sharing so I can 
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Friday, July 7, 2006
It takes two to Tango

This is why I’ve always wanted at least two kids.  I loved my childhood and always having playmates (even if we did fight like cats and dogs sometimes), and I wanted my kids to have that opportunity, too.   They’re already starting to learn how to share and take turns, and they absolutely adore 
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Thursday, July 6, 2006
Big smiles

This is one of the things I love about Motherhood.  The paychecks may not be legal tender at the bank, but I wouldn’t trade them for anything!  These little grins that tell me I’m doing something right.  We are raising happy children, who will hopefully (and probably despite some of our parenting 
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Friday, June 23, 2006
Angelic Faces

I’m not really biased, am I?  I mean, come on.  These have got to be two of the cutest kids on the planet!  I feel quite lucky to have been gifted with these perfect children, even though I did pick my sweet hubby in part for his good genetic material.  Hee hee.

We’re even luckier to get sweet 
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Friday, June 23, 2006
Halloween Giggles

The best caption for this picture are the actual words from Isabella’s mouth as I snapped the photo...

“Stop it Charlie, you’re going to scare somebody!!”

Perhaps we should explain Halloween a bit better this year.
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